The Digital Transformation Journey: Kildare Fisheries

How Did You Hear About Agyle Intelligence?

David approached me on his own. He was actually one out of seven different companies that contacted me in a very short timeframe about digitizing my quality system. He came up to the office, and we had a great conversation, and then the rest is history!

How Has Agyle Intelligence Helped You Improve Your Processes?

Oh man! How hasn’t it helped me? You remember that old hot sauce commercial, “I put that **** on everything”? Yeah, that’s kind of how I’ve used Agyle, with literally everything! I have used Agyle to create complete traceability from the fishing vessels to the customer’s plate. And that simply means that I’ve literally used Agyle to improve every step from start to finish, not just a certain area. I’ve never had such complete control over my business.

What Challenges Has This Tool Helped Your Business to Overcome?

There are just too many to name, but I will highlight a big one, and that’s audits. Everyone hates them; I don’t even think auditors like audits! But every single audit I’ve done with Agyle—from CFIA to MSC to third-party audits—every single auditor has been extremely impressed with how quick, smooth, and simple it is to retrieve and view data. Audits go from being a hair-pulling session to a fun afternoon in the office. Additionally, that more relaxed environment has helped to create greater relationships with the auditors themselves.

But, I mean, what auditor wouldn’t be impressed when your entire recall is a simple click of one button rather than a two-hour nightmare of digging through endless boxes of messy paper documents?

Final Comments

Agyle was the only company that gave me the opportunity to continue to go against the grain. As I said earlier, David was one out of seven companies pitching to me at nearly the same time. The difference was, every other company had a “go with the flow” mentality that basically locked me in a jail cell of how their company thought I should run my company. There was no ability to tailor it to my operation; it was a “one size fits all.” And I can assure you, one size does not fit all!

Agyle came in with a completely different approach. David offered me a hypothetical blank canvas and told me to draw whatever picture I wanted to draw, and he would simply provide me with any color crayon I needed. Basically, I can do whatever I want; the possibilities are endless!

Because of that, I have the ability to continue to go against the grain and draw outside the lines to find more and more ways to be successful!

Collin Rayner
Quality and Operations – Family Owner
Kildare Fisheries

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