The Anticpated Impact of Virtual and Augmented Reality on Operations

The rapid pace of technological change can be a challenge to keep up with at times.  There are so many new and emerging technologies we may miss the immense benefits some of them will bring and how truly transformational they may be and virtual or augmented reality is no exception. 

In the world of Industry 4.0, more and more companies are turning to virtual and augmented reality to enhance their operations and drive overall performance. While we may not yet see widespread adoption of this technology, it is inevitable as manufacturers consider the many potential benefits and they are discussing those now even if they currently have no timelines for investigating them.

Currently manufacturers we hear from are most excited about these potential applications:

  1. Improved Training: Workers can use virtual and augmented reality simulations to practice and hone their skills, reducing the risk of errors and improving their overall performance through repetition and familiarity, reducing the need for on-the-job training, improving efficiency and reducing costs.
  2. Enhanced Collaboration: Virtual and augmented reality can also be used to enhance collaboration between workers by using virtual and augmented reality to communicate and collaborate in real-time, improving overall performance and reducing the risk of errors.
  3. Increased Flexibility: In some roles, workers can use virtual and augmented reality to work from anywhere, improving overall performance and reducing the need for physical presence in the workplace.  We may be a little ways out from that being a common option, but to think that you wont be running a control panel, or setting a changeover remotely in the future is a bet I would not want to take.
  4. Improved Safety: Using virtual and augmented reality simulations to practice and prepare for dangerous situations can definitely help by reducing the risk of accidents and injuries.  Like above, the more familiar a worker is with the process and environment the more comfortable and trained they are to perform with a high level of confidence.
  5. Increased Productivity: The use of virtual and augmented reality clearly leads to increased productivity in the manufacturing industry by helping to perform tasks more efficiently, thereby reducing downtime and improving overall performance.

By leveraging the power of virtual and augmented reality, workers can take their skills to the next level and operations can remain at the forefront of innovation. These cutting-edge technologies can help workers visualize complex tasks and processes, explore new ideas and designs, and collaborate with others in real-time, no matter where they are. It’s time to consider embracing the power of virtual and augmented reality to unleash your full potential and achieve your goals with greater speed, efficiency, and success. 

Are you ready to start?